Assisted Living
Photo by Chris Duzynski Photography
Stay social and keep your freedom in our assisted living facilities
Remain as independent as possible and build lasting friendships at Morrow Home’s assisted living facilities. Our apartments are unfurnished, so you can make it your home. Parking options are also available, so you can keep your car and remain independent. As you socialize with your new friends during games, crafts, music and more, you’ll feel like you’ve always belonged right here. You can also keep cherished family traditions alive by reserving meeting space at no additional cost. And as your needs change, rest assured you can stay in a familiar environment, as all our services, from therapy to memory care, are in one campus.

Faithful, personalized care
You may require a different level of care than your neighbor. Beyond basics (such as free laundry facilities and weekly apartment cleaning), our assisted living services are personalized to your needs. See our different levels of care (PDF).
If your healthcare situation changes, our campus provides rehabilitation services, assisted living and nursing care, so you can find comfort in remaining in a familiar environment with the same people. If your spouse requires a higher level of care than you do, you can live apart on the same campus and enjoy each other’s company daily.
Two assisted living facilities, same comfort
Morrow Home offers two assisted living facilities on the same campus, Creekside and Marycrest. Each offer the same faith-based care and comforts of home. Built on the banks of Beaver Creek, one block from downtown, near a pharmacy, the Sparta clinic and hospital and local churches. In summer, you’re just two blocks away from the farmer’s market with arts, crafts and baked goods. You’ll also find scenic trails perfect for walking and biking right out your back door. Or, enjoy the peace and tranquility of a clear creek that flows next to campus.
Creekside Location
325 South Water Street
Sparta, WI 54656
Marycrest Location
401 South Water Street
Sparta, WI 54656

Photo by Chris Duzynski Photography
Assisted Living Services
Nurture your physical, mental, social and spiritual health with a wide variety of Morrow Home assisted living services.
Pastoral Care
Spiritual enrichment is an integral part of our assisted living services. You can worship at an on-campus chapel, take part in Bible studies and receive personal spiritual support from area pastors.
Culinary Services
Our culinary staff and dietician are here to help with your nutritional needs because good food and good nutrition are a very important parts of our residents’ lives.
Transportation Services
When you want or need to leave campus and prefer not to drive yourself, we can provide guidance for your transportation needs.
You no longer have to dust, vacuum or clean. We offer half hour, weekly housekeeping to help keep your place freshly cleaned.
Delicious Meals
Bond with new neighbors over a delicious, nutritious breakfast, lunch and dinner. Celebrate your birthday with two people of your choice who will receive complimentary meals.
Social Activities
Enjoy a vibrant social life with activities such as fishing, baking, live music, happy hour, movie night, bingo, card club, games, scheduled outings and much more.

What People Say About Us
We have a friendly and caring staff. I like the activities. Having a kitchenette to bake and cook in is very nice.
Application steps and admissions
If you’re interested in applying to live in one of our assisted living facilities, visit our admissions page.
Rates are based on individual needs. Please email our our housing coordinator at housing@morrowhome.org or call 608-366-6296 and the receptionist can direct your call.
Interested in learning more about assisted living at our Morrow Home community? Contact us below.

Contact Us Today
Our focus on honest communication and each individual’s unique needs has earned us an excellent word-of-mouth reputation throughout our 100-year history. If you’re looking for faith-based, fully transparent senior living facilities, Morrow Home is here to answer all your questions.